Results for 'Daniel Ernesto Guiérrez Raina'

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  1. Calidad en la formación a través de las Competencias Educativas.Daniel Ernesto Guiérrez Raina - 2018 - In Enrique Fernández García & Daniel A. Pasquier, Ensayos sobre educación. Santa Cruz de la Sierra: Instituto de Ciencia, Economía, Educación y Salud.
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    Watts, Sandro. "¿Puede hablarse de poesía filosófica en Platón?".Daniel Ernesto Osorio Tamayo - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (162):407-409.
    Watts, Sandro. “¿Puede hablarse de poesía filosófica en Platón?” Eidos [Barranquilla, Universidad del Norte], 20 (2014): 75-94.
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    Perceptual decision confidence is sensitive to forgone physical effort expenditure.William Turner, Raina Angdias, Daniel Feuerriegel, Trevor T.-J. Chong, Robert Hester & Stefan Bode - 2021 - Cognition 207 (C):104525.
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    Revisión ético-política del concepto de “pueblo” en Ernesto Laclau y Enrique Dussel.Daniel Berisso - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 76.
    En el presente artículo se revisan aspectos puntuales de las teorías de Enrique Dussel y Ernesto Laclau, poniéndose especial énfasis en la relevancia de la dimensión ética para la comprensión de la distancia entre una y otra posición teórica. El desarrollo de la argumentación procura demostrar una hipótesis que puede sintetizarse en tres núcleos específicos: la importancia de la relación entre ética y política en las respectivas producciones teóricas, la prioridad de la ética en el caso de Dussel y (...)
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    O estatuto político do significante vazio: identidade coletiva, psicanálise e política.Daniel Omar Perez & Alexandre Starnino - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 33 (58).
    Neste artigo procuramos apresentar os elementos que possibilitam a constituição das identidades coletivas a partir de quatro conceitos fundamentais: a demanda, o significante vazio, a identificação e o gozo. Primeiro, revisitamos Freud trazendo a noção de identificação pensada em sua determinação política. Em seguida, buscamos justificar a especificidade da noção lacaniana de significante vazio, repensado por Ernesto Laclau enquanto um conceito político fundamental implicado na constituição e formação das identidades coletivas. Avançamos na lógica do significante e das demandas insatisfeitas (...)
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    Hegemoniale Artikulation: Frankreichs „Nation“ als leerer Signifikant.Daniel Schulz - 2007 - In Martin Nonhoff, Diskurs - Radikale Demokratie - Hegemonie: Zum Politischen Denken von Ernesto Laclau Und Chantal Mouffe. Transcript Verlag. pp. 223-244.
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    A Strange Mixture of Guevara and Togliatti.Daniel Gaido & Constanza Bosch Alessio - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (3-4):217-250.
    This article analyses the intellectual and political trajectory of the Pasado y Presente group in Argentina, focusing on its main representative, José María Aricó (1931–91). Although usually described as ‘the Argentine Gramscians’, the ‘Gramscianism’ of the Pasado y Presente group was actually little more than a theoretical cover for its erratic political behaviour, which led them from Stalinism to Guevarism, from Guevarism to Maoism, from Maoism to Montoneros’s branch of Peronism, and from Peronism to Alfonsín’s Radicalism. Politically, their weakest point (...)
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    Humanización y deshumanización: de Laclau, Mouffe y Schmitt al conflicto armado en Colombia.Daniel Arturo Palma Álvarez - 2018 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 7 (1):13-20.
    Este documento analiza cómo se presenta la deshumanización en los conflictos armados e intenta demostrar que, en la mayoría de los casos, lo ‘discursivo’ y lo ‘violento’ coexisten de modo que el ‘otro’ es una construcción difusa que cambia según el contexto. Como consecuencia, no puede establecerse una división clara entre ‘enemigo’ y ‘adversario’, por lo que debe aceptarse que dicha relación es mucho más compleja. Para esto, se revisa la historia del conflicto armado colombiano desde mediados del siglo XX, (...)
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    Un “pueblo”. Concepto y acto fundador de la juridicidad.Herwin Corzo Laverde, Henry Forero-Medina & Jose Daniel Fonseca-Sandoval - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 44 (128).
    “Pueblo” puede tener múltiples significados. Para el derecho moderno, es el significante que intenta justificar la existencia y obediencia del régimen legal vigente. Como apelación a una particular filosofía política, el “pueblo” que fundamenta lo jurídico se determina por la mera coexistencia en un territorio regido por una soberanía. Una noción de “pueblo” divergente, y que por tanto se rehúsa a confirmar sobre sí el estado de cosas actual, es posible y, en términos de conflicto político, necesaria. Por eso, presentamos (...)
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    Badiou and Politics.Bruno Bosteels - 2011 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    _Badiou and Politics_ offers a much-anticipated interpretation of the work of the influential French philosopher Alain Badiou. Countering ideas of the philosopher as a dogmatic, absolutist, or even mystical thinker enthralled by the force of the event as a radical break, Bruno Bosteels reveals Badiou’s deep and ongoing investment in the dialectic. Bosteels draws on all of Badiou’s writings, from the philosopher’s student days in the 1960s to the present, as well as on Badiou’s exchanges with other thinkers, from his (...)
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  11. Karl Jaspers' theory of irrationality: from delusions to worldviews.Daniel Adsett - 2025 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Karl Jaspers' Theory of Irrationality, Daniel Adsett explains how a Jaspersian view of irrationality makes better sense of the irrationality of delusions and worldviews than competing views, offering a novel contribution to contemporary debates about the character of reason.
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    Ética, estética y política: ensayos (y errores) de un metaindignado.Ernesto Castro Córdoba - 2020 - Barcelona: Arpa & Alfil Editores.
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    A Comment on Christopher Ciocchetti: "The Responsibility of the Psychopathic Offender".Daniel W. Shuman - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (2):193-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.2 (2003) 193-194 [Access article in PDF] A Comment on Christopher Ciocchetti:"The Responsibility of the Psychopathic Offender" Daniel W. Shuman Questions of responsibility for serious harm are complex and potentially divisive. The way in which we frame these questions and the criteria by which we assess answers to them are colored, in part, by the lens though which we view them. I am a (...)
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    Words from the wound: selected addresses, letters and homilies of archbishop mark coleridge [Book Review].Michael E. Daniel - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (2):251.
    Daniel, Michael E Review of: Words from the wound: selected addresses, letters and homilies of archbishop mark coleridge, by Mark Coleridge, edited by Anthony Ekpo and David Pascoe, pp. 342, $24.95.
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    Propuestas.Ernesto Garzón Valdés - 2011 - Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
    Esta colección de ensayos o «ejercicios de precisión conceptual» intenta aportar alguna claridad en el tratamiento de cuestiones de relevancia político-moral como el concepto de tolerancia, el significado moral del concepto de dignidad humana, la calamidad moral del Holocausto, la respuesta a la violencia extraordinaria, la fundamentación racional de las normas morales, lo íntimo, lo privado y lo público, hipocresía, simpatía y Estado de derecho o pluralismo, diferencia y desigualdad. Se presentan como «propuestas» que no pretenden ser «verdaderas» sino tan (...)
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    Taoist Lessons for Educational Leaders: Gentle Pathways to Resolving Conflicts.Daniel Heller - 2012 - R&L Education.
    This book explores ways in which educational leaders can apply the wisdom of the Tao in their day-to-day work in schools. It offers an alternative to the standard ways of western thinking to give the leader more possibilities when confronting a situation. We tend to value immediate and decisive action, winning, directing, and getting one’s way. Taoist Lessons for Educational Leaders offers another way of approaching the workplace. We can also value waiting and reflection before acting, seeing all participants as (...)
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    Tras la postmodernidad.Daniel Innerarity - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (3):949-968.
    If we understand modernity as the construction of a distinction –i.e. subjectivity vs. objectivity– postmodernity can be considered the abolition of that distinction, after the experience of its apories. In this paper the interest points towards a non disjunctive direction, towards a kind of thought that may embrace both ambigüity and the relative indiscernibility of the opposites.
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    La construcción del espacio psíquico representacional frente a lo inconvertible de la violencia: Identidad, política y alteridad.Daniel Jofré & Alejandro Bilbão - 2019 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 31 (53).
    El artículo busca profundizar en las elaboraciones de Freud respecto de la agresividad y la inconvertibilidad de la violencia, con el objeto de indagar en los posibles aportes que la perspectiva psicoanalítica puede realizar frente a los problemas sociopolíticos contemporáneos. Este trabajo se detiene en las problemáticas referidas a la naturalización de las identidades, la radicalización de las retóricas comunitarias y los escenarios de exclusión. Sostiene, en este sentido, la importancia de los procesos sublimatorios en el trabajo de diferimiento frente (...)
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    Ennius Annales 1 Sk. and Appendix Vergiliana Dirae 48.Daniel Jolowicz - 2021 - Hermes 149 (2):233.
    This note argues for the presence of an allusion to Ennius “Annales” 1 Sk. (Musae, quae pedibus magnum pulsatis Olympum) at Appendix Vergiliana “Dirae” 48 (undae, quae uestris pulsatis litora lymphis). This has ramifications not only for the interpretation of the poem, but also for the dating of the “Dirae”, and for the question as to whether Enn. Ann. 1 Sk. is in fact the first line of Ennius’ epic poem.
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    Literature, ethics, and decolonization in postwar France: the politics of disengagement.Daniel Just - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Against the background of intellectual and political debates in France during the 1950s and 1960s, Daniel Just examines literary narratives and works of literary criticism arguing that these texts are more politically engaged than they may initially appear. As writings by Roland Barthes, Maurice Blanchot, Albert Camus, and Marguerite Duras show, seemingly disengaged literary principles - such as blankness, minimalism, silence, and indeterminateness - can be deployed to a number of potent political and ethical ends. At the time the (...)
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    Evaluating the appropriacy of Ritual Frame Indicating Expressions (RFIEs): A case study of learners of Chinese and English.Dániel Z. Kádár & Juliane House - 2020 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 16 (1):153-173.
    This paper investigates the evaluation of ritual frame indicating expressions (RFIEs) in two groups of L2 learners: British English learners of Chinese and Mainland Chinese learners of English. RFIEs are expressions by means of which speakers confirm their awareness of rights and obligations in a particular standard situation. Previous research in applied linguistics has largely ignored the production and evaluation of such forms, despite the fact that they are pragmatically-loaded and, as such, are very important for the development of the (...)
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    Zu den Fragmenten 5–6 Velaza des M. Valerius Probus.Dániel Kiss - 2012 - Hermes 140 (1):118-120.
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  23. Student activists and international cooperation in a changing world, 1919-1960.Daniel Laqua - 2021 - In Jessica Reinisch & David Brydan, Europe's internationalists: rethinking the history of internationalism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Remarques sur la sémiotique.Daniel Laurier - 1984 - Philosophiques 11 (1):91-109.
    Je défends la classification carnapienne des disciplines sémiotiques en montrant qu'elle permet de caractériser adéquatement la nature de la pragmatique. J'indique, en particulier, comment une notion de système pragmatique pourrait être développée par analogie avec celles de système syntaxique et de système sémantique.I defend Carnap's classification of semiotic disciplines by showing that it leads to an adequate characterization of the nature of pragmatics. In particular, I indicate how a notion of pregmatic system could be constructed on the analogy with those (...)
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    Lenguaje y significado: una argumentación en la "analítica" de la "crítica de la razón pura".Daniel Leserre - 2003 - Endoxa 1 (17):207.
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    Personalizing One's Technological Environment by Communicating with Machines.Daniel Levi - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (5):345-351.
    How do people adapt to technology? This study examines one mechanism people may be using to personalize technology—talking to machines. Communicating to machines is similar to other forms of personalization and can be explained using attribution theory. Characteristics of machines (such as relationship to emotions, predictability, and familiarity) may affect people's willingness to communicate. A survey study that examined people's communication to machines showed that people do communicate to some machines, and hypotheses about the characteristics of machines were supported. A (...)
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  27. A new synthesis of faith and reason: Ecumenism in light of 'Lumen Fidei'.Daniel J. Stollenwerk - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (1):53.
    Stollenwerk, Daniel J In our contemporary age that has lost confidence in both faith and reason, Pope Benedict XVI insisted throughout his pontificate upon the need for a new synthesis of both. In this article I consider Benedict's study of faith in relation to the ecumenical dialogue and point out that the schism between the Reformed Churches and the Roman Catholic Church occurred at the same time as the breakdown in the Western synthesis of faith and reason. I argue (...)
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    Del populismo al republicanismo.Daniel Abraldes - 2016 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 33 (1):307-312.
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  29. Yves Bonnefoy essayiste. Modernité et présence, coll. « Faux titre. Études de langue et littérature françaises ».Daniel Acke - 2001 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 191 (2):234-234.
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    What’s in, what’s out? Towards a rigorous definition of the boundaries of benefit-cost analysis.Daniel Acland - 2022 - Economics and Philosophy 38 (1):34-50.
    Benefit-cost analysis is typically defined as an implementation of the potential Pareto criterion, which requires inclusion of any impact for which individuals have willingness to pay. This definition is incompatible with the exclusion of impacts such as rights and distributional concerns, for which individuals do have WTP. I propose a new definition: BCA should include only impacts for which consumer sovereignty should govern. This is because WTP implicitly preserves consumer sovereignty, and is thus only appropriate for ‘sovereignty-warranting’ impacts. I compare (...)
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    The critique's contradiction as the key to post-Kantianism: Longuenesse and the collapse of Kant's distinction between sensibility and the understanding.Daniel Addison - 2015 - Aurora, Colorado: Noesis Press.
  32. The cognitive neuroscience of constructive memory: remembering the past and imagining the future.Daniel L. Schacter & Addis & Donna Rose - 2008 - In Jon Driver, Patrick Haggard & Tim Shallice, Mental Processes in the Human Brain. Oxford University Press.
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    The Hegelian Phenomenological Exposition of the Problem of Social Identity.Daniel O. Adekeye - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (2):159-175.
    The process of constructing a social reality where “difference” becomes a social asset rather than a monster that threatens peace and progress must commence with a phenomenological understanding of social interactions within and among human societies. In my opinion, Hegel, more than any other thinker, has constructed a phenomenological framework that adequately captures and represents the nature of group interactions within human societies. This paper explores the Hegelian phenomenon of social identity, and, especially, characterizes the interactions between and among various (...)
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  34. Towards equity in development when the law is not the law : reflections on legal pluralism in practice.Daniel Adler & So Sokbunthouen - 2012 - In Brian Z. Tamanaha, Caroline Sage & Michael J. V. Woolcock, Legal pluralism and development: scholars and practitioners in dialogue. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Representation and the imagination: Beckett, Kafka, Nabokov, and Schoenberg.Daniel Albright - 1981 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    The Expressive Triad: Structure, Color, and Texture Similarity of Emotion Expressions Predict Impressions of Neutral Faces.Daniel N. Albohn & Reginald B. Adams - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous research has demonstrated how emotion resembling cues in the face help shape impression formation. Perhaps most notable in the literature to date, has been work suggesting that gender-related appearance cues are visually confounded with certain stereotypic expressive cues. Only a couple studies to date have used computer vision to directly map out and test facial structural resemblance to emotion expressions using facial landmark coordinates to estimate face shape. In one study using a Bayesian network classifier trained to detect emotional (...)
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  37. Earthen Vessels: Hopeful Reflections on the Work and Future of Theological Schools.Daniel O. Aleshire - 2008
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    Constitución y ética constitucional: bosquejo de una propuesta de constitucionalismo cosmopolita desde una concepción cultural de los derechos.Llinás Alfaro & David Ernesto - 2019 - Bogotá, Colombia: Grupo Editorial Ibáñez.
    Las dificultades teóricas que obstaculizan la idea de una ética constitucional -- ¿constitucionalismo global o constitucionalismo cosmopolita? -- El constitucionalismo, entre el cosmopolitismo, el universalismo y el localismo del estado nación -- El estado constitucional de derecho (o Estado constitucional de derecho, social y ambiental) y los derechos sociales -- El impacto del consenso de Washington en el derecho social colombiano, y la respuesta social desde la movilización y desde los derechos -- Los derechos, un espacio de lucha y emancipación (...)
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    Tapping the social psychology of psychophysical experiments: Mode of responding does not alter statistical properties of magnitude estimates.Daniel Algom, Lawrence E. Marks & David Wiesenfeld - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (2):226-228.
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  40. After Vitoria : natural law and the Spanish ideology of empire.Daniel S. Allemann - 2022 - In Mark Somos & Anne Peters, The state of nature: histories of an idea. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    1. Interpretierbarkeit.Daniel Alscher - 2016 - In Theorien der Reellen Zahlen Und Interpretierbarkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 15-62.
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    Vorwort.Daniel Alscher - 2016 - In Theorien der Reellen Zahlen Und Interpretierbarkeit. De Gruyter.
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    7. Zweitstufige Theorien der reellen Zahlen.Daniel Alscher - 2016 - In Theorien der Reellen Zahlen Und Interpretierbarkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 156-191.
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    7 Individualität im Kontext: Hegels Realphilosophie.Daniel Althof - 2017 - In System Und Systemkritik: Hegels Metaphysik Absoluter Negativität Und Jacobis Sprung. De Gruyter. pp. 221-274.
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    Siglen.Daniel Althof - 2017 - In System Und Systemkritik: Hegels Metaphysik Absoluter Negativität Und Jacobis Sprung. De Gruyter.
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    Spekulativ-dialektische Vernunft und Vexierbilder.Daniel AlthofEmail: - 2016 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2016 (1):60-64.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Hegel-Jahrbuch Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 1 Seiten: 60-64.
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    5 Zwischenbilanz.Daniel Althof - 2017 - In System Und Systemkritik: Hegels Metaphysik Absoluter Negativität Und Jacobis Sprung. De Gruyter. pp. 156-162.
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  48. Appetites, Matter and Metaphors: Aristotle, Physics I, 9 , and Its Renaissance Commentators.Daniel Andersson - 2016 - In Guido Giglioni, James A. T. Lancaster, Sorana Corneanu & Dana Jalobeanu, Francis Bacon on Motion and Power. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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    Connexionnisme et cognition: À la recherche des bonnes questions.Daniel Andler - 1990 - Revue de Synthèse 111 (1-2):95-127.
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    Deep Time Ecstasy : Ponderings from Beyond the Time-Wall, Courtesy of Peter Sloterdijk.Daniel Andersson - unknown
    Review essay of Infinite Mobilization, by Peter Sloterdijk, translated by Sandra Berjan, Cambridge, Polity, 2020, 240 pp., $24.95, ISBN: 978-1-509-51847-0.
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